Here are the dates of the events of the Falcons of Théding:
Click on the year to go there:
2020 – 2019 – 2018 – 2017 – 2016 – 2015 – 2014 – 2013 – 2012 – 2011
2010 – 2009 – 2008 – 2007 – 2006 – 2005 – 2004 – 2003
2020 :
– Creation of “The Greattit of Théding” (2 nests) : february 28th.
– Creation of “The Barn Owls of Théding” : february 28th.
– 1st visit of the kestrels to the nest : march 27th.
– To be continued…
– Falcons seen the first time of the year in Théding (visiting the nest): February 07th
– New Introduction :”Blue Tits of Théding“: February 26th
– Activation of webcams: March 02nd
– 1st kestrel egg laid in the crow’s nest: approximately April 08th {no hawk in front of our webcams}
– New Introduction: “Redstart of Theding“: April 22nd
– Flight of the falcons: June 14th
– Installation of a more suitable new nest for the location of webcams
– Upgrading of the website (new design, use of WordPress, mobile version and tablet, English version, German version)
– Falcons seen the first time of the year in Theding (visit of the nest): March 6th
– Activation of webcams: March 20th
– 1st laid egg: April 25th (12.40am)
– 2nd laid egg : April 27th (10.40am)
– 3rd laid egg : April 29th (7.30am)
– 4th laid egg : May 1st (8am)
– Beginning of brooding : May 1st
– 5th laid egg : May 3rd (6h)
– 1 egg eliminated by parents: May 4th (8pm) (had been damaged on April 29th)
– 6th laid egg : May 5th (6h)
– 1st chick : May 28th (7.45 pm)
-2nd chick : May 29th (12am)
-3rd chick: May 29th (5pm)
-4th chick: May 31st (7am)
– Death of 1 chick: June 1st
-5th chick: June 1st (7pm)
– To be continued…
-Installation of the new nest box in early winter: December 2016
-Falcons seen the first time of the year in Théding (visit of the nest): February 16th
-Discovery of the 6 eggs in the nest: April 23rd
-Webcam Activation: April 25th
-Elimination of an egg by the parents (egg damaged at the beginning of brooding): May 17th
-1st chick: May 18th (8:30 am)
-2nd chick: May 18th (9am)
-3rd chick: May 18th (4pm)
-4th chick: May 18th (7pm)
-5th chick: May 21st (7h)
-Creation of the Facebook page dedicated to the Falcons of Théding and migration , and of videos on a new YouTube channel: May 20th
-1st young falcon’s flight: June 17th (9.30 am)
-Return of 1st young falcon: June 17th (1.30 pm)
-1st young falcon’s flight bis: June 17th (5.00pm)
-2nd young falcon flown away: June 17th (5.45pm)
-3rd young falcon flown away: June 17th (7:30 pm)
-Return of 3rd young falcon: June 18th (8am)
-3rd young falcon Flight bis: June 18th (11am)
-4th young falcon flown away: June 19th (8am)
-Return of 4th young falcon: June 19th (7.45am)
-4th young falcon flown away: June 19th (8am)
-Visit of a young falcon to the nest: June 20th (5.30am)
-5th young falcon flown away : June 21st (7am)
{No falcon}
{No falcon}
{No falcon}
{No falcon}
{No falcon}
-New website designed on March 10th; Overview:
{No falcon}
-Webcam Activation: February 21st
-Disabling the webcam: April 5th
{No falcon}
-Falcons seen for the first time of the year in Théding: March 17th (7am; noon; 6pm)
-Webcam Activation: March 22nd
-The female spends its first night at the nest: April 22nd
-1st Egg: April 27th
-2nd laid Egg : April 29th
-3rd laid Egg : May 1st
-4th laid Egg : May 3rd
-5th laid Egg : May 5th
-6th laid Egg : May 7th
-7th laid Egg : May 8th
-Disappearance of the male, the female abandons the nest: May 13th
-Webcams Disabled: May 30th
-Falcons seen the first time of the year in Théding: January 22nd
-1st laid Egg : April 18th
-Webcams Activated: April 19th
-2nd laid Egg : April 20th
-3rd laid Egg : April 23rd
-4th laid Egg : April 25th
-5th laid Egg : April 27th
-6th laid Egg : April 29th
-Webcam on continuous since: May 18th (2nd webcam disabled)
-New design of the site (yellow stripe): May 18th; Overview:
-1st little one: May 23rd (11am)
-2nd little one : May 24th (1pm)
-3rd little one: May 25th (7.40am)
-4th little one: May 25th (noon)
-5th little one : May 25th (7.30 pm)
-6th little one: May 27th
-1st young falcon flown away: June 23rd (morning)
-2nd young falcon flown away : June 25th (morning)
-3rd young falcon flown away: June 25th (morning)
-4th young falcon flown away: June 25th (morning)
-5th young falcon flown away: June 26th (around noon)
-6th young falcon flown away : June 26th (afternoon)
– Disabled Webcam (fault): June 25th
-Creation of the website, overview:
-Arrival of the Falcon couple in Théding: February 16th
-Installation of the webcam at the nest and setting up of the diffusion of the pictures (every 15 seconds update)
-1st laid Egg: April 23rd
-2nd laid Egg: April 25th
-3rd laid Egg: April 27th
-4th laid Egg: April 29th
-5th laid Egg: May 1st
-6th laid egg: May 3rd
-1st birth: June 5th
-Death of the male: June 6th
-Death of the only young falcon: June 17th
-Disabled Webcam: June 27th
-New design of the site: June 29th
-1st laid egg: April 27th
-2nd laid egg: April 29th
-3rd laid egg: May 1st
-4th laid egg: May 4th
-5th laid egg: May 6th
-6th laid egg: May 8th
-Hatching: June 5th-6th
-1st laid egg: April 13th
-2nd laid egg: April 15th
-3rd laid egg: April 17th
-4th laid egg: April 21st
-5th laid egg: April 23rd
-6th laid egg: April 26th
-Hatching: 21st-22nd-23rd May
-1st laid egg: April 17th
-2nd laid egg: April 19th
-3rd laid egg: April 21st
-4th laid egg: April 23rd
-5th laid egg: April 25th
-6th laid egg: April 27th
-1st laid egg: April 5th
-2nd laid egg: April 8th
-3rd laid egg: April 10th
-4th laid egg : April 13th
-5th laid egg : April 15th
-6th laid egg : April 17th
Missing history
Installation of the first couple of kestrel in Théding.